Queen’s University and Belfast Botanic Gardens

Nothing very special happend at work … But I can write something about the weekend two weeks ago. Kevin and Roxi had the idea that we can go to the university, where they work. Therefore we went to the Queen’s University and the Belfast Botanic Gardens and Palm House. The flowers there are, say it in British, lovely. There is also a huge palm tree inside the greenhouse. The garden of the University looks picture-perfect and the lawn is very green. I think they nourish and cherish the lawn like no other. But pictures say more than thousands words.

Ein Gedanke zu „Queen’s University and Belfast Botanic Gardens“

  1. Damned wann wart ihr denn dort? Muss auch noch das Palmenhaus besichtigen. Schöne Fotos 🙂
    Freue mich auch mehr!

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