Giant’s Causeway

You probably already read that Tim, Rene, Tobi and I rented a car to drive along the Causeway Coastal Route. One station of our tour was Giant’s Causeway. It was overwhelming to see this stunning landscape and this nice coast. I have never seen such a beautiful place. The only unpleasant thing was these masses of tourists. You couldn’t take a photo without having a tourist crossing your way or sitting on a rock. Whatever, finally the Causeway’s charm atoned it for us.

Rock formations of Giant's Causeway

The whole time we wondered how these rock formations were created. It was fascinating and we decided to take a rest offshore to enjoy the surge and the awesome view. It was also fascinating that this only occurs at this place, whereas a few meters besides there are only normal rocks.

Causewy rocks beside normal rocks
Causewy rocks beside normal rocks

We had a great time there and it was absolutely unforgettable.

Surge at Giant's Causeway

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