The Hills and Party

Another weekend here in Belfast. This is the third and we decided to make a trip. But not so far away, only the proximity of Belfast. Northern Ireland is famous for his hills, which can be climed. Our selected hill is located in the west of Belfast and approximately 400 m high. But I hiked and climed only to 280 metres. The view from this point is phenomenal. You can see the whole city of Belfast and much more.

My roommate and me
In the evening I fade away in good club. But this club called Lush is located in Portrush at the north coast. I found a bus shuttle service they drove me directly to the club and return. For trance fans a famous DJ named Gareth Emery played there. Irish people know how to rock the house. The atmosphere was hilarious and the music was great. But at 2 am the party was over and I drove back home.

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