Sensors and Connected Health

As written in my last posts I mentioned the project „Sensors and Connected Health“. Now we have get new instructions from our IT-supervisor Damien. At the last days we gathered informations about touchscreen devices like All-in-One PCs and tablet-PCs. On this devices they want to show the informations from the connected person with the medical sensors. Also a big TV-screen is an opportunity. Yesterday arrived the ordered outdoor WLAN access point and Jannik and me tested the device. Unfortunately the extra antenna doesn’t arrived, but it has already an in-built antenna. Today Damien showed us the ALS Simulator and the BioRadio. The Advanced Life Support Simulator is a realistic interactive training manikin for simulating a wide range of advanced life saving skills. He has human attributes like pulse, breathing and he can also make some noise. The BioRadio 150 is a wireless acquisition system capable of recording, displaying and analyzing physiological signals from users in real time. But we don’t know how exactly we must connect this device to the manikin. We tried a little bit, have measured the pulse but it don’t works or we can’t interpret the data from the monitoring software. I don’t know but maybe Damien tell us tomorrow. So I become a specialist in medicine 😉

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