Bulk Purchase

This weekend we decided to rent a car again to buy some more groceries, so that we don’t have to go to the supermarket every single day. So we made a reservation at Sixt.

Saturday morning René and me went to Sixt at the Belfast City Airport to pick up the car. As there were no cars left of the category we ordered, we got a free upgrade and got a Kia cee’d instead of a Vauxhall Corsa.

After that we went shopping at Lidl. On the one hand we had planned to buy some drinks, so that we do not have to carry the heavy bottles. So the car first looked like this:

our rental car loaded with some drinks ...

We also bought some delicate food and so the car finally looked like this:

... and some delicate food

After loading the car the driving experience turned from a sporty city cruiser into an oil tanker. But we finally made it back to the accommodation and managed to put everything that needs to be cooled in the fridge and the freezer.

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