Vistors from Berlin

Yesterday, visitors from Berlin, Mr. Bavar and Mrs. Neumann, came to see Belfast. Kevin Shine, our local advisor from RSM Tennon, arranged for them to visit each of us in our work placements and afterwards to see our apartment, the MEWS house at Hardcastle Street. The apartment is first time part of this training program, so our visitors wanted to receive an impression how the conveniences are. They were impressed and Mr. Bavar said that he would choose this apartment if he had to go to Belfast for two month. They took a few photos and afterwards we went to a pub called “Filthy MacNasty’s”, Mrs. Neumann really liked this location. We had a few nice conversations and a lot of fun, it felt like they brought a piece of home with them.

Visitors at Filthy MacNasty's

But unfortunately we were short of time and the visitors had to drive back to Dublin. René, Tim and me brought them to rail station and there we bid good bye.

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