Outdoor WLAN #Update

As I told in my last post, Jannik, Damien and myself installed the outdoor WLAN. At the end of last week we get the right cable for the outdoor antenna. So we connected the access point with the fondly called fluoroscent lamp. But nothing happend. Even if we stood near to the antenna, the signal was very weak and if we went away from the antenna the signal was lost. Overall a depressing test, because the signal with the 1.5 metre antenna is lower as the ten times smaller indoor antenna. So Jannik and me began to troubleshoot the problem: cross tests, resets, configure, gathering solutions… Until now we’re not really sure what the problem is. I think the antenna and the access point are faulty. Maybe we would have spent more money to the devices. This are the cheapest devices that we had found, because Damien wanted it so. Now he will contact the distributor and maybe we get a new device. Let’s see what’s next.

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