Work is done

On Monday I had a great breakthrough for my project. As I already posted I had to form a VPN connection between two Cisco devices, but I only got one device allocated. The guys from the research cluster, who wanted to allocate me these devices needed the second one as spare part. So it seems to be the end for my project. But it wasn’t a setback for me I took it as a challenge to learn more as I supposed to be. I had the idea to form a VPN between a Cisco device and a Linux-server  as a site-2- site VPN. I thought it had to work because both devices speak the needed protocols and both can handle the encryption. So after long term of trying to get this thing work I found the right configuration. I had to read a lot of tutorials and I’d realized that the most of them are wrong. So I had to deal with the theory of VPN to find what I need. Also I couldn’t use the installed Ubuntu configuration files I had to wrote my own. But at the end of it all I got this thing work. Afterwards I only had to configure a few additional thing like DHCP, SSH and VLANs.



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