Homemade food

We realized that we eat just a few times at a fast food restaurant or that we bought convenience food. That fact brought us to mind that we eat most of the time together and that is an indicator for a good working community in our apartment. We are happy about that and about the fact that four guys at Ireland are able to cook for their self’s. So I will introduce to you one of our favorite dishes. At this Sunday we decided to cook a homemade lasagna. It is a bit elaborate, but it’s worth it.

Ready for the oven

It was very tasty and most of my housemates hat to do an afternoon nip after they had finished there potions.


First match

The UEFA Euro 2012 has started and I was going to see the first game of Germany in a Pub called “Stiff Kitten” together with my colleague René Skillen. The pub is just round the corner and we thought it would be okay if we go over a few minutes before the match has started, because we’re at Northern Ireland and we thought just a few people will watch the match. Don’t! The pub was completely full with fans and we were surprised. I was satisfied about the fact that Northern Ireland people are interested about the German team and how they play at this championship, but just for a moment because the fact is that we hadn’t got a chance to stay and see the match. So we had to went back to our apartment. It was annoying me but it was relaxed to see the game at the apartment.


On Thursday and Friday I had to do a lot of paperwork. Richard Ruddock and I filled out the forms for europass. It took much longer as we supposed but at the end of it all we found the right formulations and we were satisfied. Afterwards I began to write my report about the stay here in Belfast. Because Word isn’t the means of choice to write such a report I decided to use LaTeX. It is a document markup language and document preparation system for the TEX typesetting program. It is a much nerdy way to write a report and documents created with LaTeX looks a million times better than Word documents. So I wrote the report and while I wrote I could improve my LaTeX skills a bit. It was fun. The last thing I have to do Is create a presentation about the stay in Belfast. It is also possible to create presentations in LaTeX, but I don’t  know which program I will use to do that.

My Weekend

After two exciting days at Enniskillen, I tried to relax at the weekend. I spend a lot of time spleeping and just hanging around. Saturday,we had lunch at „The Morning Star“, which is a pub offering lunch. Oli, Tim and Tobias had the „Morning Star Burger“, I tried the „Chicken Burger“. It was a nice location, altough there were many people so it was quite loud. Afterwards I watched some football with Oli.

Sunday wasn’t more interesting. Oli cooked some lasagne for us and in the evening, we were at „The Belfast Empire“ again, to listen to Ken Haddock’s for the last time.

It’s also quite calm on work, I’m doing last paperwork so everything is ready for leaving.