Queen’s Diamond Jubilee

These days are the celebration of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. Granted, the main festivities are in London, but also a lot of cities of Great Britain had celebrations – Even in Belfast. At the City Council was a market with a lot of stalls called the „Continental Market“. People from all over the world sold theirs traditional things like something to eat, to wear or anything else. Even Germany was here and sold the „German Krakauer“ at the „Schwenkgrill“. And I thought this is a Polish speciality^^. The price for a saussage was typical Irish: 4,50 £. I tried the Spannish Paella which tasted very delicious. The British people sold they sweet cookies and muffins that I’ve never seen before. A huge choclate muffin with marshmallow on top. I think the sugar and calories are enough for a whole week.
After this culinary highlight, Benny and me went to a pub, where we’ve seen the big concert at Buckingham Palace for the Queen at the TV. I heard something about the „Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Beacons“ here in Belfast. 4000 beacons would be lit aorund the Commonwealth at almost the same time. The parade here in Belfast was certainly not the big deal.

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