Olympic Torch

This year the olympic games takes place in London. Before this event there is a torch relay around United Kingdom. Fortunately the torch is also in Belfast and we can see the event at first hand. Therefore I went, after the work, directly to the City Council, where should be a big show. This place was spacious separated and you need a wristband to come in. Unfortunately Benny and myself had no wristband, that we could get before the event for free. So we went to a point where we should see the torch and indeed we have seen the torch and the whole convoy. I was so facinated that I ran parallel to the torch. The mood along this way was amazing: the cars honked,  the crowd called and the torch runners were so happy. Destination was at the City Council where was a huge crowd to see the olympic flame.  At the end they stuck the flame into a small container. If you want to see the very close recordings, have a look at the following videos and pictures.

Olympic Torch Relay 2012 at Belfast – Number 1

Olympic Torch Relay 2012 at Belfast – Number 2

Olympic Torch Relay 2012 at Belfast – Number 3

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