
On Thursday and Friday I had to do a lot of paperwork. Richard Ruddock and I filled out the forms for europass. It took much longer as we supposed but at the end of it all we found the right formulations and we were satisfied. Afterwards I began to write my report about the stay here in Belfast. Because Word isn’t the means of choice to write such a report I decided to use LaTeX. It is a document markup language and document preparation system for the TEX typesetting program. It is a much nerdy way to write a report and documents created with LaTeX looks a million times better than Word documents. So I wrote the report and while I wrote I could improve my LaTeX skills a bit. It was fun. The last thing I have to do Is create a presentation about the stay in Belfast. It is also possible to create presentations in LaTeX, but I don’t  know which program I will use to do that.

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