Last Day at ECIT Institute

Today is my last day at ECIT. I’ am a bit sad about this fact, but I’m really looking forward to go home. Yesterday I brought a few cakes and brought it in. Richard Ruddock (IT-Manager) was very happy about it. We had a few good conversations and we were talking about my future. So Today I finish my projects, got the last signatures for the europass and the last signature for training certificate. I had a really brilliant time here at ECIT Institute and I felt overwhelmed by the hospitality of this Institute. I can’t tell you how often I laugh oneself to tears because Richard was making one of his jokes or told us something about his kids! Everyone had so much patience with me and was so helpful! I learned so much and I could improve myself more as I had expected. At the end of it all the only thing I can say is THANK YOU!

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