Wednesday 15.04.2015

Wednesday we should pick up some software for our company.
We took it form another company (Lantech) which is located on our way to work.

When we arrived at work we installed the software. Afterwards we should find a solution for the Cloud.

With the Cloud it concerns an easy dropbox solution. The company wishes to have the possibility, to scan bills and other documents with a network-scanner and it should be uploaded in the Cloud directly. The main-reason is, to have access to the files from other locations.

We should also collect group-policies that only selected people has access to selected files.

In the evening we were only at the supermarket and have informed us what we can visit in Ireland.

Monday 13.04.2015

Our first job was it to collect a network plan.
The PC`s of the employees should be in the intended ports (in the ground-boxes).
Afterwards the ports should be assigned at the matching switch.

The phones occurs with VOIP about the PC`s, for that reason the old phones should be removed.
We should write it down and checked if the connections work fine.
Afterwards we have effected local software installations and have got further information about the conversion of the Cloud.

In the evening we have had a look at other places in the city centre of Dublin.

The Day Before The Weekend

Friday 10.04.2015

Officially on Thursday (09.04.2015) should be my first working day.
Usually I should work for the company Hybrid Technology Partners.
On this day I get the information that the company be arranged in Limerick (200 km way from Dublin). It was a mistake from the Agency so they have to find a new company for me.

So my first working day started on Friday (10.04.2015) at Origin Multilingual.
I am accommodated with a class-mate from my vocational school in this company now.
In the following next 2 month it will be our task to put files into a Cloud as well as to update the complete network hardware technically.

In the evening we went to temple bar. It’s a district in the center of Dublin and there are many different pubs. Especially Tourists prefer this district. We was at the so-called „living room“ and the „O’reillys“. It was quite more expensive but nevertheless more amusing.


The Guiness Storehouse

Wednesday 08.04.2015

First of all we met us at the Guiness Enterprise center.
There is the office of the agency (Internsplus) which has further arranged us to a different company.
Our contact Margaret Purdy gave us general information about our company and our stay in Dublin.

Afterwards we went to the Guiness Storehouse. It is subdivided into different floors.
You have the possibility to go to the museum, you can craft the perfect pint of Guiness in the Guiness Academy or you can simply enjoy a cold beer.


The First Day

Tuesday 07.04.2015

Due to a delay of our flight, we landed in Dublin at 01.00 pm.
After we had collected our baggage, we were greeted by our driver who bring us to our Appartements. He also give us the main information about our stay in Ireland.
Afterwards we get the Keys of our Appartements.

The rest of the day we use to go to the supermarket and to explore our area.
Dublin is a very small but nevertheless very beautiful town with a total area of almost 115 km².
There is very much entertainment especially for young people.IMG_4849

First weekend

On Friday afternoon we have check the nightlife of Dublin. Firstly we went to O’Reilly’s Bar and drink a Pint. Then we went to McDonalds and to the livingroom, a bar where you can play Pool or watch Sport in TV.We leave the livingroon quite fast. The music was very loud and it it hurt in the ears. After this shock we have to go back to the O’Reilly’s. After a few funny hours we go home.

The other time of this weekend we relax and do nothing. It was a good first weekend and so the time in ireland can continue…

the work begins

Thursday we had the first day in our Irish company. I am in a company calls Computer Factory. My boss Peter is very cool. He speaks German to. He make his money by Refurbishing. It means he repair or upgrade computer for resell. Firstly we take a tour through the company and then we set up our workplaces. I am there with two other guys from another OSZIMT class.


On Friday we go to Facebook in Dublin to securely erase hard drives. Facebook is a great employer I think. There you can meet a lot of interesting people, eat drink and candy is for free, but the best of all is the lounge at the top of the building. There is a pool table and a football table or you can sit on the terrace. It was nice.

Good by Germany



Tuesday we went to ireland. It was my first flight, and certainly some moments were exciting. At the start a plane developed a decent boost but the weight will also be brought into the air. When we arrived in Dublin we were picked up and taken to our apartments. The apartments is in a refined but also more expensive region. First of all we have to buy our food and scout the area.



On the second day in ireland we meet Margaret, our contact person in Ireland. There we learn something about our stay and work. After that we went to the Guinness factory. It was very interesting. 😉



Das Auslandspraktikum

Mit der Entsendung von Fachinformatik-Azubis in ein Auslandspraktikum setzt der afib (Ausbildungsverbund Fachinformatik Berlin) im Raum Berlin/Brandenburg wieder ein weiteres Zeichen zur Steigerung der Qualität in der IT-Ausbildung. Die angehenden Fachinformatiker des Lehrjahres 2013 sind Teil einer Gruppe mehrerer Auszubildenden, die ab 04.04.2015 einen achtwöchigen Auslandsaufenthalt in Irland und Nordirland verbringen werden.

Der afib hatte schon im Jahr 2008 in enger Kooperation mit dem Oberstufenzentrum für Informations- und Medizintechnik (OSZ IMT), der STRATO AG, der Deutschen Telekom und dem Institut für lebenslanges Lernen in Europa (ILE-Berlin) das Projekt “Europaerfahrung für Azubis in IT-Berufen“ (E-FAIT) initiiert und 14 Fachinformatik-Auszubildende nach Irland entsandt.

Auch das diesjährige Projekt “Work Experience for Mobility” (WEM) wird im Rahmen der Mobilitäts-Maßnahme des EU-Bildungsprogramms LEONARDO DA VINCI durchgeführt, welches u.a. Vermittlungs- und Austauschprojekte für Personen in der beruflichen Erstausbildung fördert. Ziel der Maßnahme ist die “Förderung der grenzüberschreitenden Mobilität von Menschen in Berufsausbildung, insbesondere jungen Menschen”.
Unseren Auszubildenden ermöglicht das Auslandspraktikum, ihre Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten im konkreten Arbeitsumfeld zu erproben und zu erweitern.

Durch die Begegnung mit Menschen aus anderen Ländern können sie ihre so genannten Schlüsselqualifikationen erweitern – beispielsweise Kommunikations- und Kooperationsfähigkeit, Toleranz, Offenheit, Anpassungsfähigkeit und Kenntnisse über andere Lebensweisen. Diese Zusatzqualifizierung ermöglicht bei späteren Bewerbungen einen leichteren Einstieg in den regionalen, nationalen oder internationalen Arbeitsmarkt.
Eine weitere Qualifizierung erwartet die Irland-Besucher bei deren Rückkehr. Sie erhalten nach einer Prüfung ihrer Englischkenntnisse ein europaweit anerkanntes telc-Sprachenzertifikat.

In diesem Webtagebuch berichten die “Irland-Azubis” regelmäßig über Ihre Erfahrungen und Erlebnisse während des Auslands-Praktikums.