Void Interests

Today I want to collect my „special“ interests, ie. all topics I seek refugee in when I feel down (no particular order).

  • cats and animal behavior
  • marine science
  • hair: hair-braiding, hair-growth, hair blogs,…
  • make-up techniques, beauty vlogs
  • dolls and doll-making
  • corsets, corsetry and corset-making, also related topics such as waist training
  • lingerie and lingerie-making
  • psychology
  • reading comics, web-comics, and theses/theories on comics.
  • thanatology (sciences of death)
  • jewelery and metalworks, especially gold
  • east asian politics/ news
  • calligraphy
  • memes
  • cartoons

Hmm… I’d say most of those are related to beauty, animals, psychology and the 9th art… and all topics seem very girly to me… interesting. I never considered myself being fond of „girly“ stuff.

Zur Kunst Afrikas




  • Liste zu Contemporary African Art auf der englischsprachigen Wiki (Definitions of contemporary African art, Exhibitions (chronologisch), Collection of Essays, Publications, Magazines, Databases, See also: By country)
  • Liste zur Kunst Südafrikas

Google Art Project

im Deutschlandfunk kam neulich ein Bericht über die Erweiterung des Google
Art Projects. Dort sind hochauflösende Gigapixelaufnahmen (über 1000),
eine Bilddatenbank (über 30 000 Objekte) aus diversen internationalen
Museen (151 Museen aus 40 Ländern) und eine Art virtueller Rundgang in der
Streetview-Technik aus jenen Museen zu finden.
Neu aus der berliner Museenlandschaft sind hinzugekommen bzw. werden
gerade ergänzt:

  • Antikensammlung,
  • Vorderasiatisches Museum,
  • Museum für Asiatische Kunst,
  • Nationalgalerie,
  • Museum für Islamische Kunst

Schon eingearbeitet sind:

  • Gemäldegalerie, (88 Kunstwerke/60 Künster)
  • Kupferstichkabinett, (56 Kunstwerke/45 Künster)
  • Alte Nationalgalerie, (95 Kunstwerke/58 Künster)
  • Pergamonmuseum, (61 Kunstwerke/5 Künster)
  • Altes Museum, (76 Kunstwerke/4 Künster)



  • Collection> Virtual Gallery Tour (aka Gallery View), alphabetische Sortierung der beteiligten Museen mit kleinem weißen Streetview („Museum View“) Symbol und Collection (Bilddatenbank) des betr. Museums, Filtermöglichkeit nach Ländern
  • Artists (alphabetische Sortierung), Filtermöglichkeit nur nach Sortierung Vor- oder Nachname
  • Artworks (aka Discover)> verschiedene Filtermöglichkeiten (Collection oder Artist)
  • *User Galleries (kompatibel mit g+), Filter nach Name oder Kategorie (Popular oder Latest)

Die Ansicht eines einzelnen Kunstwerkes eröffnet weitere Möglichkeiten:

Artwork View (aka Microscope View)

  • „Details“, zu Standort, Entstehung, Künstler usw.
  • „g+“, um es auf der persönlichen g+ Seite zu teilen oder zu +1 („liken“)
  • „Add to Gallery“, eigene User Gallery entweder neue kreiren oder zu bestehender hinzufügen,
  • „share“ (g+, g Hangout, Twitter, Facebook, E-Mail) mit Permalink (Schema: https://g.co/artproject/xxxx),
  • „start slideshow“, nur innerhalb der Sammlung des betr. Museums werden alle Bilder aus der Datenbank als Slideshow gezeigt, keine Filtermöglichkeit,
  • Streetview („Museum View“) Symbol> virtueller Rundgang, Aufhängung des Bildes und Situation im Museum

Kunst Afrika relevantes (Auswahl):

Das Projekt ist- wie einige andere kunsthistorisch relevante Google Projekte- auf jeden Fall wert, weiter beobachtet zu werden, vor allem wegen den hochauflösenden Aufnahmen und des Museum Views. Ich freue mich vor allem, dass die Berliner Museen des SPK entschlossen haben sich den neuen Technologien zu öffnen.

data leeches

I am on several social networking sites.

  • https://www.facebook.com/soniafromberlin …user n# 744685803 (since 19.10.2007)
  • https://plus.google.com/u/0/107656762135944878043/ (since 05.07.2011)
  • https://joindiaspora.com/people/262909 (since 05.12.2011, although I followed the whole thing since late 2010?, right before alpha started)

Mind the amount of digits.

In terms of amount of interaction, it’s : fb > g+ > d* ; in terms of anything else, it’s definately : d* > g+ > fb.

Useful small apps

A good friend of mine showed me SOGOU input method.
It’s 1)faster 2)more precise 3)better to adjust to your personal preferences and lastly, 4)cuter than the standart Microsoft IME.
It will automatically replace your microsoft IME. It’s easy to handle if you’re used to MS IME, and most important, you can finally chose what font it should use as a standart, both individually in 中/英 mode. Download it here:


There’s an internet archive. A really big one, too.
I wonder if there will be one day some job called „Web historian“ or so. A Web Historian had to specialize early in his studies, eg. on blogs of exactly 19 year old british female students with red hair, or passionate private websites on fantasy literature with a focus on dragons (without web-galleries), or even import/export websites selling pu’er tea cakes under 50€.


Random rampage

Ehi, well, I am member of TeaChat.com Forum. I just browsed through the „matcha tea bowl“ thread and some other threads on the beauty of tea bowls… mhmm… I can outline a total japanophilia when it comes to labelling those bowls. even though most of them are contemporary works and I’m pretty unsure if you can attach „ancient“ labels on those. They’re all very shiny and glossy too, remembered me of what John Clark stated at the farewell party at Münzsalon; that all the new things need to scream at you instead of giving a quiet warmth.

I also find that they have some members who like to sell stuff imported directly from japan (mhm… no chinese and korean ware so far), and people appreciate the „big labels“ such as hagi and shino. But the bowls… they dont look like what I consider as hagi/shino AT ALL…

Second point is gongfu tea and yixing pots. you got say, two groups there, the matcha lovers and the yixing lovers. so yixing is also a big point of discussion, and some people post their pots there and ask what kind it is, if its ancient, what’s the inscription on the stamp etc. Hmmm… i still don’t know WHY yixing is so „en vogue“. for some reason, „gongfu tea“ seems to be linked to „yixing“. i don’t know much about either, maybe that is why it makes me wondering.

I’ve seen some shops specialized on tea and teaware here in berlin, maybe i should write my application there and see what it’s like to sell. :\

babbling further on…

So, I found some really interesting pieces in the Freer&Sackler… Like this one

I am still not satisfied with my yondering and pondering about the plain copying of Japanese made up „identities“ for pots… (As in Cort 1992, Chanoyu 71)
What made so many people drive to consider these labels as superior?

Why do we have a huge interest in Japan and Japaneseness but not in other asian countries? Is there some „Koreanxiety“? Why is access to specified literature so limited here?
I saw a really good bibliography of the University of Hawai’i (by Kenneth Robinson), but most of the mentioned are not to be read in Germany. A shame…

I look forward to my pilgrimage in February… as Marichi called it…

Chemistry Corner
General Overview
Useful Database
John Baymore’s Thoughts