Three Days in Wrocław

On Sunday, we embarked on our journey to Wroclaw, boarding a Flixbus that would take us to our destination. Upon arrival, we were pleasantly surprised to find that we each had our own rooms, allowing us a personal space to unwind.

The following day, Monday, marked the beginning of our more structured experiences. We received tickets for public transportation. It was also a day of introductions; we had the opportunity to meet the other students who would be with us. Among the new faces was George, our English teacher.

Tuesday was filled with engaging activities. The morning started with English lessons, where George’s teaching skills shone, making learning both fun and informative. The afternoon was dedicated to a gnome hunting game, an entertaining way to discover hidden gems around the city. As evening fell, we gathered around the biggest TV we could find and engaged in competitive rounds of Mario Kart, a perfect way to bond and unwind after a day of learning and exploration.

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