Time flies here in Breslau

Days just fly by, don’t they? And lately, we’ve been through quite a bit. Let me tell you about our recent adventures.

So, on Monday, we went on a trip to Krakow. We took this FlixBus, about 3 hours of a ride. But, you know what? It was Easter Monday! Most shops were closed, and the city was super busy. Still, Krakow was really nice. We saw a bunch of stuff, grabbed a Krakauer sausage, and then it was back on the bus to Wroclaw.

Tuesday started with a visit to this EU Information Point in Wroclaw. It was kind of cool, learning about the EU and stuff. After that, we had some free time. So, me and a few buddies went up this church tower to check out the view.

On Wednesday, we went to Qulix, a software company in Wroclaw. Inside, it was busy and everyone seemed really focused on their work. We got to see how they make software, from coming up with ideas to putting them into action. It was really interesting to see how they do it all. I left feeling impressed and amazed by what they can do.

Im very excited for the last days of our trip. See you soon.

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