how far will 1 bowl of muesli get you???

This week I only have 2 working days because of all the holidays and I spent one of them writing a report/documentation about/of my project, so I’ll rather write about what I did in my spare time.

After my trip to Portrush , me and Chris spent the Sunday with cooking for the hungry crowd in our apartment which caused a so called mass-„om-nomnomnom“-coma that lasted for the rest of the day which luckily coincided with the bad weather…
The lazy day passed and on Easter Monday there was sunshine and new energy which i put to a test by running an extended version of my usual jogging route.

<– click to open in google maps

Back home I had a nice bowl of muesli like every day and started my trip with a visit to the Ulster Museum.

Not only the building resembles a bizarre fusion between present and past, the interior offers the same experience for its visitors, that’s why I won’t spoil it here 😉
I’ll post just one photo of the small ensemble which gave a very enjoyable classical music performance in the arts department of the museum.

I enjoyed every single note especially because they performed one of my absolute favorite pieces of music that literally gave me goose bumps. I must admit the day couldn’t get any better than that from this point on.
At least that’s what I thought but the day had more than just acoustic delicacies to offer:

After my visit at the museum i was wandering around the botanical gardens with a smile on my face. I was ready to go on to my 14 mile trip through a natural park and many small streets and paths…

…until I reached the Giant’s Ring south of Belfast:

On my way back i was pretty exhausted but the scenery kept me going:

To answer the question posted in the title: my breakfast lasted for 20 miles.

3 Gedanken zu „how far will 1 bowl of muesli get you???“

  1. Is that what is called Muesli-optimization? Classical concerts are always amazing when performed live 🙂 envy you.

    By the way – why do you have so much holiday? We had Easter Monday and that’s it…

  2. Yeah, instead of mpg (miles per gallon) I am measuring efficiency in mpmb (miles per muesli bowl) 🙂

    The holiday regulations here seem to be almost the same for all UK based companies.
    Some had a bank holiday on Friday or on Tuesday this week and because we are in the UK we also have this Friday as a special holiday (the royal wedding), Monday is a bank holiday again…
    So yeah, one additional day off thanks to the UK being a monarchy and two bank holidays close to each other.

  3. mpmb…lol. You should take a picture of one of your muesli bowls so that everyone can see how humongous your portions are^^ 😛 greetz from Berlin (:

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