Paul Panser – Landscapes, Party and Headache

Hi there folks, it’s me again!

On easter monday Sven convinced me to make a trip up to the cave hill. It was very cloudy and windy in the morning, so I didn’t had much confidence. At lunch time I met with him in front of the „Fake BigBen“. Thanks to Mateusz, who has traveled there once, we had a directions, because Sven and I either are not well known for our sense of direction.

It lasted one hour to get to the bottom of the cave hill. On our way we went through a kind of slum of the city. The people there were looking a little bit poor and everyone, I swear everyone, was wearing sweatpants. It reminds me a little bit of Hellersdorf in Berlin, but with much less people in it.

When we arrived at cave hill we met some chinese tourists and went to the Belfast Castle.

After that we searched for the shortest route to the top of the hill on a map and I even took some pictures of the map, but when we started to climb up we got confused. So we took always the path which was steeper. After we walked through a very small forest we got confused again.

We were standing in front of a big wall and we were really not in the mood to climb up that thing, but thanks to the might, which was with us and only because of that, we found a little path beside that wall to go further up. You can call me Yoda if you want =). When we arrived at the top of the cave hill we had a really great view, because just in that moment we arrived there the wind was blowing lesser and the sun came out. The might was really with us! (Now call me Yoda!! Do it! xD)

Yeah after Belfast laid under my feet and soaking up the sun we decided to eat something Sven brought with us. I don’t know how you spell it, but Sven called them „Mushi’s“. Afterwards we climbed down the cave hill on another route.

In the evening Chris and me went to Sven’s place to go into the MClub. The only good thing I can say about that club is, that it is talented (it’s Belfast dialect 😉 ). The drinks were expensive and pink!! and the music was very commercial, but the lucky one’s who are aquainted with me know that something like that can’t drop my dancing mood 🙂

(Yeah I know I made a stupid looking face xD)

‚Cause the club got boring with the time we went to the Stiff Kitten club (again).


On tuesday I slept really really long and often. Maybe it was because I had a hangover and I thought my head was going to explode, but that’s only a theory ;). So nothing really happened on that day.

Today on wednesday I thought I have to go to work (for more information read my next article), but because I had huge headache I emailed my company here in Belfast that I wouldn’t come today and stay in my bed.

And that’s exactly what I did… I got much sleep, took a Iboprophen 800mg and rested. Thanks to that I was back to my power the next day, Yay!

Phew.. that article got longer than expected, I hope you enjoyed it.

See ya!

Ein Gedanke zu „Paul Panser – Landscapes, Party and Headache“

  1. moin yoda….

    wiedermal super schöne bilder —–
    ausser das dein kopf ab und zu schmerzt haste ja alles im griff ….und das freut mich
    nu is es ja nicht mehr lange hin und du bist in old berlin ….ahh ick seh hier keen bild mit der leihkette mein freund 😉 alsooooooo looooos loooos

    hab noch viel spass digga bis spÀter
    dein paps

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