Jonas – half full, half empty

Hi there,

those who have a calender might have already noticed: it’s half time and a lot of stuff happened already.

What happened last weekend? We made a trip through Ireland – and we didn’t know Mateusz could mobilize the lazy Belfast guys too. However our trip was much better. Unfortunately the other guys are really slow when they have to share pictures and stuff.

„Jonas – half full, half empty“ weiterlesen

Paul Panser – Roadtrip through NI

Hi there, it’s me Paul

The Sunday started early in the morning at 9.00 o’clock. After 4 hours sleep I had to wake up and prepare for our road trip along the north coast of Northern Ireland. In my case that was coffee, coffee and some more coffee. I don’t know anything about the trip to our first stop at a castle on the coast, because I felt asleep right away in the car. That was quite an act, because me and Sven were practical sitting in the car boot. It was really uncomfortable.

„Paul Panser – Roadtrip through NI“ weiterlesen


Last Weekend, we (Florian, Kristian, Jonas, Oliver und Ich) had a great super mega tour through the whole south of Irelands.

Approximate 1030 km with a rented car and on our way we saw everything from the volcanic lake, Cliffs, the beach etc. There’s nothing left to say, than: TWO THUMBS UP !!!

Because I didn’t load up some pictures yet, I’m gonna do this now. And the pictures will tell you something about the tour.

The Royal Wedding

Colm ( the IT specialist from lymric) taked a free day. So I couldn´t test my function because I hadn´t the permission to test my function without Colm.

The Royal Wedding was very important for the company because they fited out a woman from the TV. And the woman reported about the royal wedding. On the whold campus fashion city exist onyl one topic … what do you think about that dress from … ?

My tasks after the lunch was to change some prices on the website and to have a look to the seo titel and description.

My work day ended with the passing of my colleague from Bottrop.

Now is week end!


Paul Panser – Freaky Saturday

It’se me! Mari… oh I mean Paul!!! 🙂

Yeah the Saturday was quite the day on this week. A lot of things happened, but let me start with the morning.

We planned to rent a car for 7 people and then to drive all around Northern Ireland. Mateusz, our little genius, managed to rent a car for only 168 pounds instead of 250 pounds! What a haggler! 🙂

On that day I slept until half 12 o’clock. At that time Mateusz was already gone to pic up our car from the airport. It was a really big car with much space inside, but I didn’t know the company of this car. We christen that car Samyyang 😉 After we picked up Sven, who was late as usually, we drove to an old big tower on a top of a hill east from Belfast.

„Paul Panser – Freaky Saturday“ weiterlesen

banjacked car on 1st day

As promised, here is part #1 of my report on the road trip around Ireland…
After I picked up the rental car we were ready for our first big journey.

I felt like in driving school on my first driving lesson while trying to shift gears with the left hand and not to drive on the correct/wrong side just out of habit… „banjacked car on 1st day“ weiterlesen