Paul Panser – My Weekend

Hi it’s me again!

Friday night me, Matze, Chris and Sven went to a University Pub/Club. I don’t know it’s name. The drinks were expensive as always and the skirts were short as always, too ;).

Because the music were crap we decided to go to the Laverys bar. It was really crowded in there, so we stood outside on the beer garden and had some talk, but the Belfaster were already really drunken so we hadn’t had a talk with some other guys there… The rest of the night we tried to find another pub which was still open… unsuccessful. „Paul Panser – My Weekend“ weiterlesen

Daniel Hoffmann: 17.04.2011 Mc Sunday

Hey dudes,

its sunday and thats the last entry for this week.

Well, nothing changed and everthing is still awesome. My work is still fun and my colleagues at BMS are still funny ^^

BMS loves the way we germans work *laughs* and i’m really happy to get this company for my work experience.

We played some pool yesterday and we´ll go again today 🙂

A colleague of FSZ95 and me went to dundrum town centre again today to buy some stuff and it is fuckin‘ amazing. Well, really good weather + a lot of women …. perfect, isn´t it ?:)

Well, the clock is ticking and we get only 41 days left …. 🙁

Stay tuned 🙂

fresh sea air(follow up)

hiThat’s the post where you will actually read and see something about my joy of being here and breathing fresh sea air.

During the first two weeks I had enough time to test run some jogging routes. I must admit it is a pleasure to run in the morning and breathe some sea air. It seems it has a positive effect on my running performance because in Germany the route i run before going to work is 5km long and here I run 5 miles and do not feel a difference. This will be a nice preparation for the team relay run in June where i run for the IT department of the MPIB.

My favorite track i use to run now leads along the Lagan lake and is quite pretty along with a spectacular scenery compared to my usual track in Berlin…

But see for yourselves:
„fresh sea air(follow up)“ weiterlesen

fresh sea air

As you may have noticed while reading our blog, the amount of posts increased dramatically to meet required post numbers…
…in the end it’s just quantity that counts.
That’s why I also won’t bother and split all my posts in small, almost twitter-like, posts because regardless of the length and quality I also have to meet the required numbers. Assuming that this way any post will be lost in an avalanche of meaningless noise i see no point in really caring about what i write here anymore. Just see for yourself what has been posted in the last 48h. Do I really want to be associated with these posts? Now it occurs to me that it was a bad decision to give the link to this blog to my boss here in Ireland… „fresh sea air“ weiterlesen

15.04 Chris

Today was just a normal day.

I woke up at 7.00, go to the kitchen to eat my daly muesli anf than go in the bathroom. After watching some BBC news in TV I was going to work. Arriving the Odessy Center I enter the bus, wihtout have to wait.

At work I run some Jmeter tests, every test takes nearly 2 houres. In the meantime i chat to Stephen, I have introduce in an former blog entry.

Now i`ll drink some tea and build an new test wiht Stephen to specify the problem we`ve found in the morning.

Maybe i`ll write in the afternoon a secondy entry, be prepared.


Jonas – Some birthdays again-.-

Hi there everybody,

time for me to write something once again. This week is almost at its end so I will give you a short summary of what I have done so far. After the issue with the printer(read earlier entry) I began to watch some tutorials for image editing programs. Once again I discovered a field where I never want to work in(I like designs like on  Mateuszs website :D). But for the time being I will endure it and try to learn as much as possible. Yesterday I designed a little birthday gift card for my best friend and roommate Florian(but more on that later). Because I used the programs I am learning right now( and Adobe InDesign CS5) it was killing two birds with one stone. Today I was so tired that I missed my stop and drove all the way to the airport and back to my company(40mins late-.-). However I am motivated to survive this day and enjoy the sun which came out right now.

„Jonas – Some birthdays again-.-“ weiterlesen

Paul Panser – Many things happened

Hello my friends of the sun!

I’m sorry, but I was really busy the last week, so I couldn’t write any more blog entrys…

Take your time, it’s very long ^^

Wow where should I begin? Thursday last week I was at 0830 o’clock at work. There I had to get to know the infastructure of my company, but there was a more important matter. The air conditioner in our datacenter gets renewed and they would shut down every server in the datacenter. That’s why my peers shutted down every single vmware server remotely on thursday. I had to watch them carefully and by the way Alan, my project boss, tried to explain everything to me. I really learned a lot and I saw that my peers are very skilled. In the afternoon I met with Sven in front of the Odyssey. There we were watching the movie ‚Sucker Punch‘. Note for all men: WATCH IT! ^^ „Paul Panser – Many things happened“ weiterlesen

no mountain too high…

While being separated from family and friends there is a lot of time to spend during our time off. Luckily Belfast has a lot to offer so you just can go and explore the city.
from da place to da chuurch
You will be rewarded with beautiful views and motifs that simply HAVE TO be photographed. Yepp, it’s time for another photo blog… „no mountain too high…“ weiterlesen