A little project

During this week  I spend some time on configuring workstations for the NIPACS project, which was introduced in 2009. NIPACS means Northern Ireland Picture Archiving Communications System and enables hospitals to view digital medical patient data like MRTs on the computer and save it centrally in two data centers within Belfast. The advantage which comes with this technology is that medical patient data can be accessed by every hospital in Northern Ireland. The diagnostic workstations use very powerful hardware, meaning two Quad Core processors and 12 GB of RAM. Furthermore two high-definition displays of EIZO are used to view the medical pictures.

On Friday I got a little project. I have to set up a ESXi Hypervisor and configure a small Windows domain, including a Windows domain controller, a Microsoft SQL Server and some Windows Vista / Windows 7 clients. ESXi is already installed and the virtual machines have to be installed next week.

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