Getting the third week started

Thanks to the bank holiday, this week starts today, Tuesday. I’m still overwhelmed by all the impressions I got this weekend. I just can highly recommend to visit Tobi’s blog and read his post about our weekend. He describes our coast trip, which I described earlier, with much blood, sweat and tears and I think it’s worth reading it. I’m still working on building a Windows environment with an ESXi Hypervisor, which was delayed due to Installation problems. The versions 3.5 and 4.1 did not cooperate with the hardware I have to use, so I was told to install Citrix XenServer. I spend a lot of time working with ESXi Hypervisor in Berlin so I’m very familiar with this product and its advantages. I missed many of them when I tried to set up VMs with XenServer. So I decided to spend more time on getting ESXi installed and I succeeded! Version 5.1 seems to be compatible and finally I  can handle the basic work.

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