The third week will ending…

Hey guys, every week will ending and this one, too. It was really nice the last working days of this week, we have a little meeting about the fine tuning of the design and layout of the new Sharepoint and which kind of features we have to added. But until this time, it was just like a drag and drop and some CSS coding, so i hope and will be better with the next steps to customize the current design and getting a new layout with some user-friendly features. The second project which i working on and which running parallel by my supervisor is a little bit more hard coding and it will be coding via Visual Basic and C#, so this one will be more amazing to working on, i hope…. But it’s very amazing atmosphere in my work placement and i have asked Kevin to do something together on the next weekend and learn more about him, but he hasn’t answered until yet. Well, i hope, i can hold this contact, because he is a very nice guy… I have him to thank for crossing the line with my community and going international, maybe he want to join this one, he really liking our background and our projects… Just take a look of our blog: click here (ready to use, style & layout are in process…)

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