Sunny Dublin

On Monday I meet Mrs. Neumann and Mr. Bavar in the Knighgtsbridge Bar at the Airlington Hotel. We talked a bit about the City and my job in Dublin and of cause about the weather which is not typical Irish. The days were full of sunshine and a bit too warm in my opinion. I didn’t know that you can put the weather from Germany into your pockets. That’s awesome. The cool thing I noticed is that there are less thunderstorms in Ireland than in Germany. Anyway, at Wednesday Mrs. Neumann and Mr. Bavar wanted to take a look in my apartment. Mrs. Neumann was kind of suprised how modern my apartment is. Wooden floor, huge living room and a modern kitchen that’s what I have here. Mr. Bavar also made a refrigerator check to see what we eat all day. Good that he didn’t saw the freezer. 😉

Good that we have a freezer so I can by some icecream for the next few days. I often visit Met Érieann to look how the weather will be in the next days. More sunshine, yeah! Time to go to a beach again.

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