Sunshine in Belfast ☼

Hi guys,

sunshine, oh yes, we have now much sunshine in Belfast.
After 4 weeks bad weather, have we now get sunshine, 20°C in the shadow. Thank you dear weather.
In my bed room in the apartment are 27°C, due to our pitch of the roof. Of course we have opened the windows often, but this didn’t helped much.

On work I have the opposite, it is cold inside (on the basis of the air conditioner) and the sun shining on me (a very interesting feeling :D).
After the work, we enjoy the weather.

I hope the good weather remains. 🙂

On Friday we have us thought, that we go in a Pub. The first idea was the „Secret Garden“, but at this weather was it full and it was a big queue before the Pub.  So, we are gone in the „Laverys“ and have once again played billiard.

On the work are not special things happens. I work in the moment on a new Quiz-Game. I think, I come back to this topic in a later post. The work self is still interesting and makes very fun.

Best regards from the sunny Belfast

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