English Breakfast

Today we served ourselves a substantial English breakfast consisting of soda bread, bacon, sausages, eggs and beans:

English Breakfast
English Breakfast

It was very delicious but way too much for me, as I normally don’t eat that much for breakfast. After the breakfast my rommates and me felt so saturated and full, we had to take a nap. I think we won’t have lunch today. 😉

4 Gedanken zu „English Breakfast“

  1. Sorry for being a smarter ass, but this is not a complete Ulster Fry. Potato bread, half a tomato, mushrooms and black pudding are missing. 😉

  2. You are right ideed. Altough the reason I am still calling it an „Ulster Fry“ is because that’s what i often got when ordering an „Ulster Fry“(black pudding seems to be missing most of the time).

    So yeah, to sum it up, you’re definitely right and I propably just lost the sense of the specific definition because of havin orderd it in the wrong places…

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