Hi guys,

I tell you today, what I am currently doing on work. In detail, I give you today a small introduction in my actual project.
The project is a game with the name „Instant Quiz Engine“ or short „IQE“, in this you can try to „beat the engine“.

You have 3 ways:
1. select a category of questions from the most played categories
2. select between all existing categories
3. type your interest in and find corresponding categories

The Instant Quiz Engine

If you have selected your favourite category, you can start to play.
In the game, you will asked with 10 question about your topic. For every Question have you a specified time (a timer is running out).
You can always see your score and whether your answer was right or not.
If you answered all Questions, you can post your score or share the game with friends on Facebook or other social networks.

So, this was a short and superficially introduction in the game.

Best regards from Belfast

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