The torch in Belfast

Hi guys,

the Olympic Torch was on Wednesday in Belfast and I was there. Belfast has organized a big celebration, to welcome the torch. Martin and I have waiting for the torch, a little bit outside from the celebration, because it was at the main places to much scramble for us. Besides we had more place to make pictures.

As the torch finally came, we are run with the torchbearers through the complete city, to make good pictures and to see the torch.

It was very exhausting, but we have got many good pictures. On the end of the run, the torch came on stage in front of the city hall. There was lit, a big fire in a goblet.

A interesting information incidentally: each torchbearer has his own torch, so it exist 8000 pieces.
I had never thought, that really each his own torch has.

Best regards from Belfast

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