Solving the last problems on my volnow projects and enjoy the last days…

Hi everybody,
it’s not so much happened at the late afternoon after any working day on this week, so hasn’t so much to tell about any event. I only still working on my last project while solving the last problems and bugs at Volunteer Now, but my supervisor got a new dog which he brought on monday to the office and the most of us looked and talked about the new dog…^^ While Kevin used his free days to breed his dog, I used the days to work on my community projects where one of them is based on ASP.Net. But I still have to wait for Kevin, because I had some problems where I had to ask him. Now, I look hopefully forward to the last days of this week, because Kevin have invited me and Diego to watch the football game between Spain and the Republic of Irland and on friday I will spend the last time with Kevin at his home before I have to pack my suitcases to depart Irland on sunday. Well, I have really enjoyed this spending time at Belfast and to get a new contacts like Kevin.

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