
On Friday we had a Party Day, friday evening after work we went to a pub with a dance floor upstairs. With us were two guys who flew with us. They are draftsmen from the Oszimt. The four Spanish guys who are living above us and two of the other computer scientists from the other apartment went with us. That was a very funny evening. But… I´m sorry for that but the Irish people are not the best dancers and unfortunately most girls are really not the prettiest. It is funny to watch them because the more they drink the funnier it is. As an example…One of my colleagues here lost his phone and an Irish girl stole his tiger costume tail. Yes that was our amusing Friday.

On Saturday I slept until 15 o’clock. Then after breakfast I took a shower and then we bought food. We had a very relaxed evening.

Today I stood up earlier 😀 After eating breakfast and helping my girlfriend with a computer problem I went jogging along a river which was very nice but pretty exhausting. Then we cleaned our apartment and now I write this blog. After that I will make myself something to eat.

The first Days

Dear Reader,

the first few days in Ireland are over and now we are really arrived. After an, more than less, complete renovation, our apartment sufficient for these 2 months.
I can proudly publish: We can shower now!

And now we enjoy our stay here in this beautiful city with all these peoples and different cultures. It’s a kind of save and pleasant feeling you will never have in Berlin.

After we visited Margaret on Monday, we were invited to visit the Guinness storehouse.

Waterfall Guinness storehouse


Inside the Guinness storehouse bar


As you can see we enjoy our time here regardless from our accommodation.


See you later with some impressions from my workplace.

Yours sincerly,