Still no titel… miau

Dear reader,

today I need to talk about a little problem of the JBS Apartments were we living. The whole ground floor is a open parking deck and a little genius place the trash containers without any barriers right in this open…dark… parking deck. The containers are completely full every time we bring out our garbage and some peaces are lying on the ground. Anyway… at night there are maybe 5 Billion cats. And that perfectly fits with the whole house.

On the weekend we had a guest from gallway, I think from the „Bundesbehoerden“ as well as Steve and David. Another thing I need to remeber after this weekend: Don’t talk with Stefan on the phone while Erik celebrating his publicpornwatching. I hear things… you can’t imagine o__O And I needed to talk with the drunk Markus as well… so yeah my weekend was scary, fucked and full of mad people.

Yeah that’s it. I need so save some themes for the rest of the week because I will only work and don’t do anything else. I am really sorry for my colleagues that their post’s going down just because we need to spam.


I don’t find one \(°o°)/ …

Dear reader,

it’s Friday again. On Monday I told my colleagues in the apartment, that the time isn’t running anymore. But now we have just two weeks left… what the…!? Yesterday we watched the „Euro League“ final in Irish TV but only the last 10-20 minutes. I can’t be precise about that fact because our TV is so old that it didn’t show the minutes in the upper left corner.

The next big final between Munich and Dortmund will be watched in a pub or something like that. But our TV is still bigger than the screen of the apartment from Erkan & Stefan. You can watch a film or something like that on a mobile phone and it’s still bigger than this TV screen 😀

Today is also the meeting with Magaret but I need to work so I unfortunately can’t join.


I need a blog titel…

Dear reader,

it’s Thursday and I almost finishing my tasks from Monday. The time where I have nothing to do is really rare so it’s okay for me to do nothing. Sometimes it is hard because I did not sleep that good and want to sleep for a few hours but that’s normal. It’s a little bit frustrating that I can’t do any task by myself. I am not allowed to work some jobs from the ticket system, I have not a single password for VM’s or normal PC’s and that sucks as hell. I need to ask every time if I want to do anything normal. Even if I get a simple task I need to ask again and again because I have no passwords or something like that and all the people I could ask are very busy. That’s really strange because especially in my last project I’ve done a lot of work by my self. Right now I save some mail profiles and setting up some computers (passwords required).

The first thing I will do when I am back in Germany is turning on my PC, starting a Video (without stopping every 5 seconds in 124p quality) and take a long sleep. Yes, you are getting very gratefull…

That’s it for today… I need 19 posts at the end of the week so we will read tomorrow.






Bad bed…

Dear reader,

on Friday we have the possibility to meet our teacher Mr. Doebler from the OSZ. Nobody really knows him or had some hours with him except for 2 short lessons in 2011. That makes no sense in my opinion but we will try to talk with him.
I am not really sure if I get some free time for this from my boss Tom. And I’m not even sure if I want free time for the opportunity to meet a teacher… 😀 Slowly I have some effects from my bed. I have massive  headaches on the „morning“ and my back hurts as well and that’s what I said at the beginning. Maybe the apartment is „good“ enough for one week but in my case I have massive problems after some more weeks and that’s not even funny. Hopefully it’s getting better when I am back at home.

Yes, we fill another day.



Less then 3 weeks

Dear reader,


the weekend was really short again. Too short. The days are just become blurred on the weekend if you go to bed at 6 a.m. and stand up around 6 p.m.. And on Monday I am so tired that I only work from this position:

Chin – > Table (+ coke)
Chin – > Table (+ coke)

On Saturday and Sunday morning, Stefan try to wake me up at 6 a.m. but I was still awake so he can suck my… ear 🙂 To be honest I don’t want to do anything at the moment. I know Dublin and I know the cliffs and that’s it… that’s Ireland. Okay maybe you can visit some castles and see some more sheep’s but in general Ireland have not much to see. Maybe two of my apartment members and me, do the viking splash tour on one of the last 2 weekends and that’s it for me.

On my working place I still need to back up some old mail-profiles. But Hugo returns today and hopefully he have some tasks for me again.






What the…

Dear reader,

today nobody need to work in Germany. Strange that the foreigners in Germany have the free days from their country for free as well but I think the „Irish way“ is better in this case (maybe the first time). So I need to work, today the first time without Hugo on my side but I have enough tasks to do.

Another funny thing I don’t realize since yesterday is the fact that you’re getting more comfortable and better while you are speaking fluent English. I understand the hardest accent and can answer, without any problems to find the right words or something like that. And that’s one reason why I need to say: It’s funnier and better at work than in our apartment. I try to stay as long as possible at work and everybody who knows me must be surprised about that fact.

What I miss the most in Ireland is (of course) my family, my PC, my 100k internet connection, my TV, my bed, MY OWN ROOM and my friends :'( But it should be okay for the last 3 weeks.

By the way, it’s so funny to see how we need to spam the sh.. out of this blog to hold our „3 per week“ arrangement 😀



English speaking people

Dear reader,

today and yesterday were good days. I receive two packets from Germany to ease my stay here in Ireland. Almost 3 weeks left, what is unbelievable when I think about my scare before we start our journey.
Some of my Spanish colleagues flying back to Spain for a few days in this week. I think they celebrate something or stuff like that. Hopefully they return in the next week or I have nothing to do… 😀

At work I need to save some old mail profiles. Just the normal way: permissions via AD and then copy and paste. But the English part in every task makes it to a challenge. It would be great when I find a job or a company in the future with some English employee’s. It was interesting in the FU-Berlin and in Ireland as well and maybe I will find some in my next and last project in the Max- Planck- Institute.

The weather here in Ireland was good the last few days (Irish good) but today it rains again. I stop writing for a few minutes and now the sun is shinning o.O




Sleepless in Dublin

Dear reader,

all these Blog posts are so annoying. Three per week is way to much. One, maybe two are okay but you can’t write something down were you have no time for. In the week you simply can’t do anything exciting. One Post for your work and one post for the weekend is more than enough in my opinion. But hey it’s not my problem so I write down what happened and that’s it 🙂

This long weekend was a big fail. In the night from Friday to Saturday I sleep for around 2 hours and the difference handicap me through the whole weekend. I sleep at the day’s and was awake at the night and that sucks! On Sunday I couldn’t even go with Stefan and Erik to the airport because I was so tired in the morning. (at least I was lucky in this special situation but it sucks anyway). Today I am tired as well but after a hard day at work I hopefully can sleep early today.

In the last week Mr. Bavar and Mrs. Neumann visited me at my workplace. It was a little bit surprising because they said they come on Thursday but it was Tuesday morning. In the evening they visited our apartment and we proudly showed them our „80 dB hot water heater“ 😀

At the end of our first month in Dublin, I can only agree with Mr. Bavar and Mrs. Neumann. I am really surprised how good we manage all this here in Ireland.



Not enough time!?

Dear reader,

after the fist over hours in my short life I was really proud after a round-mail from my boss Tom. Of course it is not normal to except some over hours on a Friday, especially for a guy with an internship,  but for me it was a pleasure to help them. Now I have 2 free days on Thursday and Friday so anyway it has worth for me. I think the next Monday (6th June) the whole country have a day for free so it’s he perfect time to have 2 free days 😀 Nothing really happened since my trip on Saturday.

With Erik and Stefan I talked about a difficult theme. We start working at 9 or 10 p.m. and come back at 6 or 7 p.m.. There is not much time to do a lot of thins like sight seeing because you need to buy food and wash your clothes and stuff like that on the weekends. But what is a solution for that? Maybe one extra day for free per week? I don’t think so. A lot of students won’t use that day for sight seeing. Only for drinking and other stuff like playing some videos games. When my colleagues here have an opinion to that they’re invited to write something to this topic 🙂




A trip with Laurel & Hardy

Dear reader,

on Saturday i was called by Erkan and Stefan. No wait… ERIK and Stefan. Sorry, my fault!
However: I was called by them and they ask me if we want to go to the coast. After we saw the pictures of Lars, we wanted to see the coast as well.

After our short journey in the „pisstrain“ (by Erik Herzog) we arrived in Howth. We have thought about sheeps, nice big cliffs and old castles but the first thing we saw was a big amusement park. Around one Billion people with cameras and little fat kids with ice cream, like in a bad american film.

We try to escape as fast as we can and after a few minutes of walking we see our target. The cliffs! Exactly like in the kerrygold butter advertisement!

Here are some pictures from our trip:

The cool one... and Stefan xD
The cool one... and Stefan xD
After the first 30 meter...
After the first 30 meter...
Without any words
Without any words

It was just a perfect day and that is the reason why I wanted to travel to ireland. Thanks to Erik and Stefan 🙂

