An jQuery popup in ASP.NET

Hi there!

My next idea was to display a popup with some chosen data instead of the whole data set on a new page, when you click on the delete button. Actually I wanted to display the data in the same way as before in the popup, but because the data base access is made by using the child ID, which is part of the page link, that was not possible, since the link itself doesn’t change if you display a popup. So in broad terms we had to refer to the table row in which the delete button was clicked and read out the child ID this way using JavaScript. The next problem was my jQuery script, because it had to be integrated in a script bundle first, to load it properly. My next task will be the Gray Out effect of some delete buttons, because you are only allowed to delete a childs data, if it doesn’t is part of a sponsorship anyway.

Some layout and usability changes

Hi there!

After I have familiarized myself with the ASP.NET framework I began to make some changes to the pages. First of all I’ve customized the names shown in the tabs of the browser matching the actual page content, because they were still the default names, which were set by the framework itself. After that I tried to implement an idea of mine, which came into my head when I tested the website before. The details of the sponsored childs are displayed in text fields and if you want to copy them you have to click 3 times in the field to select them. But since text fields are used instead of labels I thought the most likely reason for this is, that the users have to copy these details very often, so it would be more user-friendly if they only have to click once in the text fields. That’s why I wanted to use the onclick attribute, since the element which is generated at the end is an input type field, where I can use an onclick attribute. But I can’t use additional HTML attributes on a DisplayFor funcion, that’s why we had to create an extra Display Template for that task.

WM started

Hello everyone,

yesterday started the World Championchip of Soccer and we looked the first game Brasilien against croatia together with Eric and that one guy from the FZS22 class. I think that it was clear that Brasilien wins against croatia but the croation guys played really good and amazed me. In detail brasil won 3:1. and I will have a look to the other games which will follow the example spain against netherlands and columbia against greece.
On monday intern europe invited us to see the soccer game on there flatscreen with some food and in HD so Marco and me want to go there.

the week in total

Hello everyone,

on Thuersday Eric, Nick,Rene and I went to the Cinema and watched 1 Million Ways to Die in the West because Thuersdays are the prices very low, we olny pay 3£ to enter the movie.
The film was very funny and it was easy to understand for me.
After the film Eric and I went to a restaurant near the cinema(i forgot the name of the restaurant) we wanted to eat something and drunk a beer. We ordered potato edges but what we get was a little joke for 5£ we got nothing


At the weekend we will go to the place where the titanic was build because this dock had a lot of records in this time strongest rope, best pumps and things like this.

Finishing the API Task

On Thursday I continued my work on my task to access the Redwood API and pull out certain data.
It took me a while to get used to Perl and the Syntax but with a little bit of help from Tim. I managed to make a big progress. I was able to pull out all the Data I needed and finished my Perl Script on Friday afternoon.
But only so far to reach the point where we would contact the BMS but I don’t have any documentation about a BMS so I can’t program that part.
My new Task is to see if its possible to trigger an event from an external source for example an BMS.

Weekend plans

Hey everyone,

the last days were very nice. At Work there arrived three new students from Portugal. We all work together and I am trying to help them anytime. Their english is not so good and it is very difficult to explain them something. I hope I can help them to enhance their english and technique skills.

The last two days we had nice weather in Dublin and Paul and I made some plans for the weekend. On Sunday we will drive to the east coast next to Northern Ireland and take a walk at the seaside and some lunch. I also want to meet some friends at the weekend. Hopefully the weather will be as good as today.

Yours George

Step Up!

4th place so far…

643k steps and that only got us 4th place. The leading team, the Holy Walkamolies, has 161696 steps on us and all that after I walked my feet raw last week. I am determined to lead my team to victory, though. So up until now, I already walked 60000 steps and after work today I will go to the pharmacy to get cushions for my toes because I have blisters in the most annoying places of all. Once my toes stop bothering me, I will keep going and going and going like one of those freaking bunnies out of the Duracell commercials.

I want to go (as in walk) to the Dublin Zoo on Saturday and walk back home, as well. I’m hoping to score another 60k at least on the weekend if I go to Greystones on Sunday, maybe. Even with some of my team members hanging behind – and I still think they’re doing a good job – I believe we can gain on the Walkamolies and even let the other two teams eat dust because we’re not too far away from them with 674k and 690k respectively. I’ll keep you updated on how it goes.

On Tuesday I sat in on a meeting with a guy from BT together with Eamonn and Emmet. System Dynamics wants to move their servers into a cloud environment. Well, sort of. The plan is actually to move the virtual machines onto new servers, connected with new switches, stored on new disks and stored in BT’s datacenter. I created a little draft with Visio to show what System Dynamics thinks how the setup will have to be and brought it to the meeting. My colleagues liked the way I did it and I listened in on them discussing different possibilities to set this thing up. Nothing is decided, yet and I believe I won’t be here by the time something “interesting” happens in that department but we’ll see how far this thing goes before I’m gone.

On the topic of being gone: It’s just over 2 weeks now until I have to go home. I’m happy I’ve seen as much as I have but there is still a lot left that I haven’t seen so there will be a vacation that has to be spent here within the next years. Something I’m already looking forward to.
The Problem with the flight home is the time it was booked for. It leaves at 7.10 in the morning and that is a terrible time to get to the airport in any convenient way, at least in Dublin and I don’t want to take a taxi, let alone have to get up at freaking 3 in the morning. So I’m actually planning on spending my night at the airport with the guys and a couple of beers. Probably not Guinness, though because it’s just too heavy and also not quite convenient to drink from the can It’s much more likely to be Budweiser or Heineken. Hell, if I get a good offer on Carlsberg, it’s going be that for sure. I’m not sure what we’ll do for dinner but there is supposed to be a McDonald’s that’s open 24/7 at the airport. I’m pretty sure that’ll do.

Tomorrow is the SD BBQ and the infamous Treasure Hunt. All I care about is steps, food and drinks and interesting conversations. Which is pretty much what it is. 😀


from VBA to API

On Monday I finished my VBA Macros for excel to automatically create graphs from a .csv file.
I showed my solution to Lawrence and Steven they both liked it. I gave Steven a brief overview of what I did and what the code does he is the one that keeps my code maintained after I leave in a bit over two weeks.
Afterwards Lawrence gave me a new task as the title already states its about API Our Redwood engine got a API to pull out certain data (movement, temperature and a few more) my task is it to find a way to pull out the data when the last movement was registred from one of the sensors and if it was more than X minutes ago it should send a signal to a BMS (Building Managment System) to shut down the heating in that room/area. And of course to turn it back on if someones enters a room. The documentation was about 30 pages long and it took me a while do fully understand it. Today I finished my first perl programm that is able to send a HTTPS PUSH request to pull out certain data. The next Step is to scan the String for the data that I need. The last and I guess hardest part is to get it work with a BMS since our Building doesnt have one so hopefully I find a way to test it somewhere/somehow.

The cinema again

Hi there!

4 movies in 4 weeks. Yep, even I am surprised about that. I guess I’ve been more often in cinemas here in Belfast than the last two years back at home in Germany. I think this is because I don’t have a car here or a PC that is capable to run good games and it’s still to cold to go to a lake. But now back to my work project. ASP.NET is actually a pretty interesing framework because of the MVC (model, view and controller) design. The programming language that is used is C#, which is quite similar to Java, at least in terms of the logic. The benefiting difference is that you can use some SQL commands in the C# environment. I have the feeling that I make good progress in understanding the framework, even if I have some problems sometimes, because I can’t use the normal HTML attributes everywhere so easily.

First part of the week

Yesterday and today we had a lot of work to do. Again there were many PCs to move but since we had to check that the whole equipment is in the same constellation like before we only were able to pick up 2 at once. Tuesday is like in Dublin cinema day too. The price is 3 Pound for each film and they are showing the newest blockbusters. Eric, Leo and me went to „The Edge of Tomorrow“, it was an impressive movie in my opinion and definitly worth the watch. Tomorrow we need to move fully packed lockers, which will also take a lot of time as we have to move the  stuff which is in there seperatly. If this is done, I think it will be a bit quieter at all. I’m looking forward for the weekend because I’ve planned to visit the Belfast Zoo (which is near the Cave Hill) or the museum, so if you are interested in the experiences look out for my entry.