data leeches

I am on several social networking sites.

  • …user n# 744685803 (since 19.10.2007)
  • (since 05.07.2011)
  • (since 05.12.2011, although I followed the whole thing since late 2010?, right before alpha started)

Mind the amount of digits.

In terms of amount of interaction, it’s : fb > g+ > d* ; in terms of anything else, it’s definately : d* > g+ > fb.

Contemporary hogwash

Oh dear,

why must it be me?  I am very unfond of contemporary art in general and Ai Weiwei in particular. Yet, my mind is set on writing that thesis paper on his tea house (2009). Now I am in the midst of finding out what that transcultural chitchat actually means. I look forward to the day when I can respond in a sonorous voice to people talking in their pig latin about theories they did not grab as a whole, applying this gibberish on very ugly media-performed-cyberesque-intertrans-postgender-postcolonial-postmodern art…

Here I will collect several basic theoretical works on the structure behind contemporary art… (and how to deconstruct all the hot air around it!)

  • Zoya Kocur, Simon Leung (eds.), 2004: Theory in Contemporary Art Since 1985: From 1985 to the Present (neue Ausgabe 2012)


-wu hung ruins, fragmenation and the chinese modern/postmodern google ebook

  • Nicholas Mirzoeff (ed.), 2002 [1999] : The Visual Culture Reader
  • Lieven De Cautier, Ruben De Roo, Karel Vanhaesebrouck (eds.), 2011: Art and Activism in the Age of Globalization (Reflect)
  • Jonathan Harris, 2011: Globalization and Contemporary Art

-david clarke contemporary asian art and the west

-ian robertson the art market in transition, the global economic crisis and the rise of asia

  • Wu Hung, Peggy Wang (eds.), 2010 : Contemporary Chinese Art: Primary Documents (MoMA Primary Documents)
  • Melissa Chiu; Benjamin Genocchio, 2011 :  Contemporary art in Asia : a critical reader
  • Melissa Chiu; Benjamin Genocchio, 2011 :  Asian Art Now
  • Minglu Gao, 2011 : Total Modernity and the Avant-Garde in Twentieth-Century Chinese Art
  • Der Begriff „kulturelle Skripte“ („cultural scripts“) wurde von Schank & Childers (1984) im Rahmen der Erforschung künstlicher Intelligenz entwickelt
  • Wolfgang Welsch 2009: ;
  • Vorarbeiter von Welsch war Clyde Kluckhohn
  • Bernell, Robert. „Interview: Ai Weiwei on CCAA, Identity and His Recent Conceptual Work,““Chinese Type“ Contemporary Art Online Magazine, vol. 1, issue 6 (January 1999).

word stumbler

  • internationalist culture
  • deconstruct<> reconstruct
  • cultural scripts
  • (L)imitation
  • multiculaturalism


1.) Was liest Du gerade?

„Der Donaldist“, Ausgabe 139

2.) Welches Buch hat Dich zuletzt stark beeindruckt?

100 Jahre Einsamkeit

3.) Sammelst Du irgendetwas?

Literarisches, im weitesten Sinne

4.) Schreibst Du Widmungen in Bücher?

Ja, ich finde das macht eine Schenkung persönlich. Ich liebe es auch, Bücher mit Widmungen geschenkt zu bekommen, auch wenn ich selber nie in meine eigenen Bücher schreiben würde (sich selber widmet man schon viel zu viel)

5.) Schreibst Du Deinen Namen in Deine Bücher?

Gelegentlich, mit Kaufdatum und -ort, aussschließlich Bleistift

6.) Welches Buch hast Du doppelt?

Zuwenige, denn manchmal werde ich schwach und verleihe gute Bücher, die dann nicht mehr wiederkehren

7.) Von wem würdest Du Dir gern was vorlesen lassen?

Ich lasse mir grundsätzlich gerne von jedem etwas vorlesen. Gern Lieblingspassagen. Liebesgedichte vorlesen kannste dir aber ma schön verkneifen, wa!

8.) Sitzt Du im Kino lieber am Gang oder in der Mitte?

Ist das eine subtile Anspielung auf die hinreichende Unerträglichkeit der meisten Literaturverfilmungen?

9.) Welche ist Deine liebste Romanfigur?

Hm… Es gibt da keine besondere, die gleich einer Eisbergspitze über so viele andere herausragt

10.) Nach welchem System ordnest Du Deine Bücher daheim?

Lesefrequenz/ Zugriff

11.) Lesen: vor dem ins Bett Gehen oder nach dem Aufstehen?

Auch während des Schlafens!!!einself!!

12.) Welches Buch würdest Du Deinem größten Feind schenken?


13.) Hardcover oder Paperback?

Hardcover aus Bibliophilie, Paperback aus studentischen Sparmassnahmen

14.) Zeitung aus Papier oder im Netz?

Netz, wobei ich aus Papier immer bevorzugen würde, wenn ich es mir leisten kann

15.) Von welchem Buch bist Du zum ersten Mal so richtig gefesselt worden?

Semolina Seidenpfote und Bobo Siebenschläfer.

16.) Deine liebste Literaturverfilmung?

*hust* Die Geisha? *pieps*

17.) Tägliche oder wöchentliche Pflichtlektüre?

Pflichtlektüre ist ein Oxymoron, ich antworte nicht auf Unsinnsfragen.

18.) Bevorzugte Urlaubslektüre?

Ganz unterschiedlich, neues, altes und bekanntes gemischt

19.) Welches Buch sollte jeder Mensch gelesen haben?

Da entdecke ich jede Woche ein Neues… Einige Perlen halten soviel Weisheit in sich, und werden offenbar doch nie wirklich gelesen/ richtig zitiert, man möchte den Kopf einfach auf die Tischplatte fallen lassen… den Kopf einiger Kollegen…

Chinese-African Connections

  • Wifredo Lam/ 林飛龍 (Lín Fēilóng), geboren am 2. Dezember 1902 Sagua la Grande, Kuba; † 11. September 1982 Paris, Frankreich
  • Pascale Marthine Tayou, geboren 1967 in Yaoundé, Kamerun. EXPO 2010 Shanghai
  • Kendell Geers (Südafrika) hosts his first solo art exhibition in mainland China at Galleria Continua. In „Fin de Partie,“ Geers attempts to connect his artistic experience with local Chinese culture.
  • Michael MacGarry: „Hu Jintao and the Scramble for Africa“, 2007, Okiyi mask auf US Ghillie suit, South African Art Now p.104
  • Cài Gúoqiáng 蔡国强 : Saraab/Mirage „ساي جوو تشانغ: سراب“ (December 5, 2011 – May 26, 2012)

Contemporary Chinese Art Exhibitions Open In South Africa, Canada

Diverese: Zhang Huan: „12 Square Metres“, 1994. Travelled to the West in 1990s, performing (fish and oil honey covered)

Penny Siopis: Ambush, 2008 – Hokusai Fishermans wife dreams, octopus

  • disappearing Liu Bolin (planking, urban camouflage)
  • Cài Gúoqiáng 蔡国强 : Saraab/Mirage : ‚homecoming‘ is a series of stones from quanzhou in which arabic inscriptions of tombstones are inscribed from quanzhou’s historic arab community. the rocks wind their way from the museum’s courtyard into the atrium, symbolizing their homecoming.
  • Wolfgang Kraker von Schwarzenfeld: Global Stone ;

Corsetry II

So, my last post introduced the question why and since when people started wearing undergarment on top of outergarment, especially the corset.

First, I want to make clear what is in my opinion out of this question:
Wearing a corset in tradition of costume history
Below garment, fe. a dress:
Marriage gowns, like of the louche grande dame and known corset-lover Dita Van Teese
Vintage Clothing. As a reference, a genuine photograph approximately taken around 1900,
Museum Display in Fairbanks Dress, ca.1900
Re-Enactment as seen here, 1890ies.

As part of lingerie/underwear, worn with a Chemise
As seen in many Costume Movies, sometimes accurate, sometimes not: Elisabeth Swann/Pirates of the Carribean (Mrs Swanns Corset would most likely not have caused her fainting)

Further Dessous,

Erotica/Fetish Photography

An Exception being displays for Fashion Photography/Advertisement (fe. Corset Manufacturers), for obvious promotional reasons
1874, „Thomsons Underthings“
2002 until to-day, To.Mto Berlin

Whereas part of that question is the
„new“ fashion of wearing the corset on top:

Vintage Fashion with a modern twist (made by a corset enthuisiast)
This could be taken even further away, as seen here and here (resembling a „vintage taste“ now, rather than taking „genuine vintage“ references)
Typical Goth Girl Party Outfit

Many pictures of famous Gothic Music Icons show that new fashion:
Amy Lee/Evanescence
Both are rather „fashion corsets“ than actual corsets for waist reduction. The second one might be with steel bone but the back’s most definately not closed.

I found another way of wearing underwear on top of outerwear
Wave Gothic Gathering (German: WGT) at Leipzig
2008 wearing lace hipsters (or sometimes boyshorts) on top of pantyhose (or nylons) – this also shows the mode à la françoise, wearing the garter underneath the pantyhose (well, at least one? of them. Why this became a „french“ fashion I leave to the wild imagination of the dear reader!)

I asked in two forums, one specialized on Gothic Fashion and one for Corset Enthuisiasts, why people would wear a corset on top. As far as I can conclude, many were not even aware of the fact that a corset was underwear once.


I wonder why so many girls these days wear their corsets (sometimes even beautiful, handcrafted ones) on top of their clothing. It does not make any sense to me, and it’s very ugly in my opinion. To me, it’s like wearing your bra on top of your shirt. I ask you, why would you do that?

I don’t mean the many girls showing lingerie in general, like corset+stockings+heels or similar. They’re just about to get naked in my opinion, not specifically bad dressed. What I am talking about is the fashion of wearing a corset (no matter how beautiful) on top of outer wear.

When and where did this fashion develop?
Why would a girl wear a corset on top of a dress?
Did the innovation of the modesty flap enhance this lapse of taste?

Korean Aesthetic Beauty

This book made my day. It’s the 2005 german translation of 『한국미의 조명 (An Exploration of Korean Aesthetic Beauty)』, 1999 by Cho Yo-Han 조요한 . It’s worth a look if you’re into transcultural aspects of theoretical art history with a focus on Korea. Besides giving a good overlook on European Art History theorems, it introduces Korean thought on Art History. The German translation is astonishingly well written and easy to read (but hard to truly understand, which I prefer over the other way round). It’s 278 pages and I got it for €19,80 from the publisher.

A newer work concentrating on Cho’s life and accomplishments can be found here, 『연구 논문 : 조요한 예술철학 연구 시론영문제목 (A Preliminary Research for Yohan Zoh’s Philosophy of Art)』, 2010 by Lee In-Beom 이인범.

Golden Obsession

It is very easy for be to become ridiciously obsessed with tiny details. This time, I’m presenting you the results of my hunt for a truly golden makeup. I wanted an effect like melted gold, not the sissy weenie glittery makeup they usually sell under a „gold“ label.

This took me through several pro make up stores in Berlin, with no satisfying loot.

Finally, I searched the second-hand-online boutique Kleiderkreisel and was successful. I got a sample of MAC’s „Yellow Gold“* from the spring 2011 collection and a whole jar „Golden Vision“ from AVON (a brand I have never heard of before).

Both are metal pigments. The magic behind it is the applying technique. To create the melted gold effect, you need to foil the pigments. Watch this video if you want to see how that is done: MAC Pigments 101 by julieg713.

So there! I got different kinds of golden rings in my vanity, and I thought it would be fun to compare. Here’s my swatch (daylight, indirect sun):

MAC, Avon, Swatch
Comparative Swatch of Gold, Faux Gold and "Golden" Makeup.

I’m glad I did not spent my money on the whole MAC pigment jar (which would be around €33) but a sample instead (which was €3 for 1/4 tsp). Side note: For the same price as the MAC sample, I got the whole AVON jar… So tell me about reputation!

Preferring AVON or MAC might be left to taste of yellow parts, brand, etc, but I can conclude both are not really getting to the point of melted gold.

I learned a lot about Gold and Gold effects. I also wonder about different types and usage of Gold in illuminated manuscripts. I’m still into pigments and colours in art, after all.

Alternative view

*For more on MAC’s metal pigments, check this swatch video: Metallic Pigment Swatches! Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper! MAC (by twixtbetwixt) I think the Gold is the most lousy one, maybe that is why they took it off their regular sale. The (pure, plain, simple) MAC Gold pigment is almost impossible to aquire now, they only got a really shabby „Old Gold“, and the Spring 2011 collection some greenish and yellowish Gold tones.

Massys, Quentin : The Moneylender and his Wife

I saw this picture in a presentation about Money in Art yesterday. I saw some curiosa in the background, and I wonder if there actually is what I think I saw;
a chinese string of 文 (貨幣) wen (coin, cash) on a red rope.
a chinese bronze mirror

Massys, Quentin : Moneylender and Wife
Massys, Quentin : Moneylender and Wife

Yello Cake

Gestern habe ich „Yellow Cake“ im Babylon gesehen. Sehr guter Film. Mir kam es so vor, als könnte man die aktuelle Politik der gezielten Desinformation der nigeranischen in Uranminen Arbeitenden mit dem Skandal um WISMUT in Deutschland gut vergleichen. Es wird der neue Begriff „Umweltrassismus“ (Environmental racism) in „Auf Augenhöhe“ erwähnt.

– “Auf Augenhöhe” (2010, 11 Minuten)
– „Yellow Cake“ von Joachim Tschirner (2005-2010, 108 min.)

2007 gab es eine Photoausstellung in New York von Thomas Demand, der sich mit Uranabbau im Niger beschäftigte:  ‚Yellowcake‘, 303 GALLERY, Nov 3, 2007