Paul Panser – Landscapes, Party and Headache

Hi there folks, it’s me again!

On easter monday Sven convinced me to make a trip up to the cave hill. It was very cloudy and windy in the morning, so I didn’t had much confidence. At lunch time I met with him in front of the „Fake BigBen“. Thanks to Mateusz, who has traveled there once, we had a directions, because Sven and I either are not well known for our sense of direction.

It lasted one hour to get to the bottom of the cave hill. On our way we went through a kind of slum of the city. The people there were looking a little bit poor and everyone, I swear everyone, was wearing sweatpants. It reminds me a little bit of Hellersdorf in Berlin, but with much less people in it.

When we arrived at cave hill we met some chinese tourists and went to the Belfast Castle.

„Paul Panser – Landscapes, Party and Headache“ weiterlesen

Video and Java


I have to make two videos. The first video is about Caroline. She works for the tv channel fyi and clothed Caroline for her TV appearances.

It´s not easy to choose the right images and music.

Some ideas for the videos were to buisness like or the ideas were to crazy. The same task I have to do with Kristeen´s images. She works for the tv channel rte3.

I have to edit the side bar on the website. I have to write a new java script function. So first I most read a lot about java script.


Wednesday, 27/04/11

Today I worked again at Computer Doctor after a long time. Peter wanted to teach us something about troubleshooting of laptops and especially the hardware components.

Of course Peter was not there for us the whole day, because he is the boss and has to do something else, but Mark the hardware specialist taught us about it. It is very interesting and relaxing to listen to Mark, because he is a calm person. I think Mark likes to teach us and to explain everything he’s doing.
Today we got a laptop, which was only four weeks old but it looked like it was 4 years old. The entire keyboard was sticky. We smelled the reason. White Wine!!!

It was so disgusting and sticky. The poor laptop. However, it was a perfect example for using a laptop the way you should not do it.

Jonas Ehrhardt – A little missunderstanding

Hi there,

yesterday was not my best day. It rained and it was the first time it got wet. However that was not the real problem here. My supervisor checked the working hours and found out that nobody ever mentioned to me that there are no real flexible working hours(never believe anything that SWAN says) but two possible periods of time. But when you are not here at the first time(8.30) then its counted as if you come 9.00. So everyday I lost about 30minutes because I always left after a little less than 8 hours after my arrival. Now after only two weeks of working I have an accumulated absence of work of more than 5 hours… And to get those compensated I have to stay up even earlier.

I am sorry for Florian doing all the shopping because I leave when he is still sleeping and and return when he is already at home for an hour.

However the weather is fine now and so am I.

See you next time
