The first 24 hours

Ryanair Boeing 737-800
Ryanair Boeing 737-800

After a smooth flight from Berlin Schönefeld to Dublin and a … hm … let’s call it „dynamic“ bus ride we arrived at the Europa Bus Centre in Belfast at approximately 23:15 (UTC). María Gonzales, one of our contact persons here in Belfast, picked us up there and organized some taxis to bring us to our new homes for the next two months. Oliver, René, Tobias and I live in the Somerset Mews Townhouses in the centre of Belfast.

Today we had an induction meeting at RSM Tenon (the company which planned our work experience and supports us here in Belfast) with Kevin Shine, another of our contact persons and our supervisor here, where we got some general information about Belfast and Nothern Ireland as well as more specific information on our work placements.

After the induction Kevin and me took a cab to go to my job interview at Translink, the public transport provider in Northern Ireland, where I was told about general facts of the work at Translink, the current projects and my possible tasks. I will start tomorrow at 9 o’clock.

In my next post I will tell you something about my first day(s) at Translink …

Ein Gedanke zu „The first 24 hours“

  1. Nice to see you guys making the same good experiences, we did last year. And Tim, your post is well made(you know what I’m talking about ;)).

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