A walk around Howth

Hi there,

today I were at Howth with Josephine because there is a Prawn Festival at the whole weekend. We had a pretty nice day with full of sunshine and a fresh breeze at the beach. The walk around the habour was very cool. There were so cute seals between the ships (see picture below).

Seals - how cute...
There was also a nice view point where you can view over the whole habour. As you can see I’ll share this nice view.

The habour of Howth
The habour of Howth

I may make a gallery with all pictures inside and in higher resolutions.
Let’s see what comes tomorrow.


My first experience at work…


it’s me… My first day at the no non-profit organisation „Volunteer Now“ was really interesting, because i am involved in two projects over the two months. One of them is the migration of Sharepoint server to a newer one with a new version of Sharepoint. The new design of this page will be created by me and the other project is a migration, too, but this will be the new version of Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Well, my workplacement is very nice and my colleagues are so friendly, the atmosphere is very friendly. I have so much freedom at my workplace, i like this, that’s what i need to develop.

Here are some pictures of my workplacement and belfast, too.

Volunteer Now...
Volunteer Now...

The entrance to Volunteer Now...
The entrance to Volunteer Now...
Here you can see the main office...
Here you can see the main office...

Here you can see the main office...
Here you can see the main office...

My first days

I got the job at ECIT and the job description sounds great! While I was listening to my supervisor’s introduction I felt his passion for the job. I really like people like him, because of the good working atmosphere these peoples create. So during our interview on Tuesday he gave me the chance to think about what I want to do and what I hope for during my placement at ECIT. He wanted me to write him an e-mail after thinking about it. The equipment they own and the opportunities they offer are skyrocketing. We will see if everything is as great as he told me, but from my point of view I found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Luckily my work experience starts on Monday at 10 o’ clock. This fortunate circumstance has its reason in the short timed acknowledge of my placement. ECIT wasn’t prepared for hosting me, so Mr. Ruddock, my supervisor at ECIT, told me it would be easier for the both of us to start on Monday. Off days! Hey! But I am not sitting at our apartment the whole time. I took the chance to get familiar with Belfast. I am looking for the best supermarkets and malls and I am doing a bit sightseeing, so the time I got donated is well used. I am also looking for sights and creating a plan for sightseeing at the weekend. I am looking forward to starting work on Monday whereas I am also grateful to have these off days.