
Yesterday was the last day at work. This day started not so good because I was tired from the last days. So I went to the busstation and was surprised how few people want to go to the university. At work Damian had the task for us to gather some information about outdoor Access Points. He want to establish a wireless connection for the medical devices at a field. He don’t know how big the field is, so it can be between a little court and a big soccer field. So we gave him the information and he left the work. Because Jannik and me had no other work to do we decided to go home. At the way back home we stopped for a little shopping tour. But it was a disaster. I found nothing to buy. But more on that later.
At the evening my roommates and myself went to the Botanic Inn, a popular pub for young people. After I entered the room a smell of piss crawled into my nose. But we decided to stay and hoped it would be better. It was actually better because the door at the smoker room opend very often and this „room“ was only a door outside. After two Budweiser for myself and one more or less for the other we went cheerfully back home.

2 Gedanken zu „Friday“

  1. „After two Budweiser for myself and one more or less for the other we went cheerfully back home.“

    haha xD epic!

  2. Hallo,wir freuen uns,daß euch der Aufenthalt in Belfast gefällt und Ihr mit Land und Leute zurecht kommt.Der Auslandaufenthalt wird Euch hoffentlich für die Zukunft positiv prägen und Ihr dadurch eure Erfahrung macht,dafür lohnt es sich die Daumen zu drücken un weiterhin viel Spaß aus Berlin

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