Saturday Day Tour

On Thursday Margaret, our cantact person in Dublin, asked us if we wanted to make a day tour to Glendalough, Wicklow and Kilkenny. So I wrote a mail to all and collected all OKs. A day after Margaret booked the tour for us.

Today in the morning we started short after 8 o’clock and headed to Nassau Street to the bus stop. There were already some people at the sign for our tour. After a few minutes 2 busses arrived at the bus stop and the coordinator told us that our group will take the 2nd bus. The guide of our bus told us some nice things about Dublin and the county around Dublin. We were on the way to Wicklow and the awesome landscape of Glendalough. It is totally different to the rest of Ireland.


Totally breathtaking.

The next destination of our tour was Kilkenny with it’s also awesome castle. I didn’t went in but the view around the castle was also nice. A huge park is behind the castle were you can relax. Sadly I didn’t managed to go to the cathedral because we were a bit in a hurry.

Kilkenny Castle

But one thing in Kilkenny totally made my day. There is a little shop at the river. I didn’t went in but I still wonder what I could buy there.

Kilkenny Shop Sign

At around 18:00 we arrived in Dublin and went back to our apartements.

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