Second week at work

Hi guys,

yes, the week is done, and I tell you today, what happened on my work.
On Tuesday have I got my new PC, now I can faster work :mrgreen:. The true reason was, that I have stole a other employee his desk.
So, I have on Tuesday and Wednesday my PC set up. Now can I work with Linux (XUbuntu in detail), that is very good.

On Thursday, we was eating with the complete company in a chinese restaurant, it was very funny. I hope, we do it again. 🙂
On Wednesday, we had a large meeting. In this, I got my first programming task (btw: I programming here mostly in Javascript).
Not that you think, I have not worked before. Before this, I have tested a lot and I have me incorporated in the project.

This was the second week and I hope it continues to make so much fun. 8)

By the way, here is a picture from the building of my company:

In the right building is anaeko (my company).

Best regards from Belfast

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