
Yeah, I know it’s very late to talk about this. But in the past some much more interesting happened. However now I have time. Our apartment is located near the Queen’s University Belfast. We living in the 4th floor and have access to an elevator – very comfortable if we’re shopping and have a lot of heavy bags. The flat is for 6 persons big enough. The furniture is modern and comfortable. So we have e.g. an automatic dishwasher, a microwave and a medium-sized TV. We also have access to the internet over WLAN with good bandwith.

The kitchen


I share my bedroom with Benny with two single beds. This room isn’t big as the other rooms but it’s enough to sleep. The parlour is perfect to relax, watch TV or work with the laptop. The facility of the open kitchen is perfect for cooking. Besides you have a great view over the city up to the mountains.


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