The mountain – Divis

Hi guys,

the third week is now also done and the weekend was very adventurous.
We climbed on Saturday on the mountain with the name “Divis”, he is 478m tall and is the highest mountain of the “Belfast Hills”.
We have cancelled the climb at 280m, because we was very exhausted and we didn’t know how the weather will be, when we further climb.

The first hurdle

The first hurdle was a steep rise on the foot of the mountain. This overcome we successful and we could see the amazing view over the city. We could see even the haven from Belfast.
We stayed a bit on the mountain and watched the live in the city.

The view over the city

Of course important for a trip on the mountain is a solid footwear, because without them can many problems occur at the climbing.
Maybe, we try it again to subdue the mountain, but then we will on 478m arrive.

Best regards from Belfast

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