Another great movie

Today is the release of „The Dictator“ which I watched after work. I also bought some nachos with cheese dip for the show today. Sadly the dip was extremly sour so it wasn’t fun to eat it. Therefor the movie was pure fun. It started with the birth of the dictator and a fast review of his life which was totally funny to view. The best gag in this movie is when Aladeen, the dictator, sits with his old weapon engineer and 2 american people in a helicopter. First Aladeen overacts as pure fan of america and then those 2 talkin in there native language. You really have to see it because it will make you laugh from the beginning to the end. It’s good to understand and the outtakes at the end nearly top the whole movie.

So my advice for you: Watch it!

Great jokes and you may find Osama Bin Laden.

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