Again a perfect evening

Yesterday, Tim, Oli and me decided to go to the cinema to watch the film „The Dictator“. We had to get some things done, so we started at 19:30 and the film started at 19:40. Going to the ciname takes just 3 minutes on foot, so we had no problems reaching the cinema in time. I thought this film could be either very funny or just nonsence. To be honest: it was both of it. Some scenes really made me laugh but others just made me shake my head.

Due to the fact, that we had no time for lunch before, we had some dinner at Nando’s afterwards. They are specialised in chicken. We were a bit disappointed when  we saw the size of the dish. There was not nearly as much food as we expected on our plates but is was really tasty.

The last stop on this evening was Filthy McNasty’s. It was just a perfect idea, because there was live music and it was just awesome. The guy’s name who played is Mark Graham. I really like this evenings with live music. There seem to be so many musicians playing their songs in Belfast’s pubs and this is just amazing. I will really try to find some good locations offering great live music acts when I’m back to Berlin.


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