A half day on the Titanic

Hi guys,

no, I was not really on the Titanic, but close to it, because we (Martin and I) was on Saturday in the world famous Titanic-Museum. It is one of the landmarks of Belfast.

The Titanic-Museum

We started on Saturday noon to drive with a taxi to the Titanic-Museum. Arrived there we have picked up our tickets (on the website reserved) at a ticket office. After 30min waiting, we could start in the “Titanic World”. 🙂

The start began with the former living in Belfast and how the shipping industry arose. After them we could drive with an elevator up on the titanic scaffold (20m high).

After the crossing of the scaffolding, we could with a small, I would say space shuttle, fly around the working mens, which have worked on the titanic. We could they see on screens, camouflaged as windows.

On the end of the museum, we could marvel the titanic wreck under our foots, it was amazing.

Best regards from Belfast

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