Three days… Two films… One Project… But a lot of sunshine!!!

Hey guys,

it’s always funny to how the weather can be changed in irland. Now, it’s a lot of sunshine like the first few days of summer in Germany. We have watched to additional films in our favourite cinema: „The dictator“ and „Safe“. „The dictator“ was very funny and I would recommend this one, but I didn’t like to recommend the other one, because I my opinion, the scenes was switched to fast sometimes and there are to much story scenes with very few action. I think that’s very unusual for an actor like Jason Statham. Well, I enjoy the first sunshine days of this week and my projects at Volunteer Now works very fine, but I had the first setback on tuesday, because I wanted to use MS Dynamics SDK, but the current version of this SDK wasn’t compatible with the MS Dynamics 4.0 CRM Server. Therefore, I was frustrated that Microsoft doesn’t keep his own standards and the migration was successed from the 4.0 version to the 2011 (5.0) version, but the import of the old organisation site was failed, because there was to many changes. So, I had to create all changes from the previous one, but I have finished this one and now, I can begin to develop some webresources with the new SDK and a new Framework. Well, it’s very interest, but it’s a little bit more difficult to work on project which used a more closed application than an opensource project. I think, it will be a nice challenge and I can get more experience by using Microsoft SDK’s. So, I look hopefully in the following days of this week and I wish everyone a nice week, too.

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