Uplifting vocals

Every Wednesday is a great musician named Mark Graham playing at Filthy MacNasty’s. Rene, Tim and I were at his last to gigs and listened to him.  He is a singer/songwriter based in Lisburn and he is enchanting crowds with his heart-stopping, uplifting, easy going style of music. At night-time his job is being a musician playing at pubs and weddings, but his day job is writing songs.  His Music is inspired by McCartney, Lennon and Hendrix. It is a rally good feeling to listen to him and to see how enthusiastic he is about music. But the most impressive thing about him as an musician is that he don’t need a band behind him, just him and his guitar, that is all what he need to sound as great as he do.  I really like people like him, because they make our lives for a few hours easier and a bit stress less.

Mark Graham @ Filthy MacNasty's

So see you on Wednesday at Filthy MacNasty’s 10.00 pm, have a pint and enjoy.

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