On Thursday we notice a mistake. Someone has put same laptop into false crates. Now we have e.g. damage laptop´s between ready loaded laptop´s and the crate is marked as done. But this week it doesn´t matter. We finished all windows 7 install and continue with machines without an available windows 7 serial key on it. Some of this machines are windows vista and same are maybe windows 7 but there is no serial number or we can´t identify it. It doesn´t matter why we can´t install windows 7 but we have to make the notebook´s useful so we install Linux on it. We choose two different distributions of Linux. On the one hand we used Zorin OS Educational. A nice looking operating system based on Ubuntu. It include a lot of program´s and it is specializes for schools. On the other hand we used Lubuntu. Lubuntu is a fast and lightweight operating system based on Ubuntu, too. It is made for not so powerful computer so it is not wrong. That is all for this working week so see you in our penultimate week…
Tag: 23. Mai 2015
This week we only spend time in facebook to install nearly 200 computer. It´s no exciting job but facebook is a nice place to work. You have drink food and candy for free and if you are waiting for an installation of windows or in the break you can play pool. We were 7 guys in facebook to reload the windows but nevertheless it take 3 days to install the machine’s.