Work with surprises

We got up at 7:30 and ate our usual baguette-with-honey-and-nutella breakfast, then we took the bus number 983 to get to our company. We are expected to be there at 10 o’clock, so we took the bus at 8:30, traffic is horribly in Beijing. But we drive along the bird nest and the water cube, the places of the Olympic Games 2008.

IMG_2058For lunch we had some potato stripes with a Chinese sauce as well as rice with chicken in curry style. Again everything was delicious, we also had a yoghourt which tasted quite similar to a normal German yoghourt. Then we were driven to a post office by an employee with a company car (VW Tiguan), because Lukas needed some stamps for his postcards. For only 6 Yuan (1€) you can send a postcard to Germany via air mail.

Lili then met with some other managers of the company to discuss what we will be doing at our time there. And the plan sounds awesome:

  • Tomorrow (Thursday) an employee of the company we already met before, we now call him Johnny, will teach us a little bit about software developing.
  • On Friday we will visit the Olympic park with the bird nest and the water cube together with Lili.
  • Next Monday in the morning we will take a train to another city (about three hours away) to see some of the companies work there. We will also sleep one night there and then return on Tuesday afternoon.
  • On Wednesday the engineer who will come back with us on Tuesday will show us some more hardware related things.
  • We will use the Thursday to go to the great wall with Lili.
  • On Friday the plan for the next week will be discussed/developed.

It is unbelievable what expense everyone does to make us happy AND to teach us something.

Just before we left, Lili asked whether we knew Tesla. Since we both know the company, we agreed and asked her why she wanted to know that. She then casually said that she could arrange a test drive on a private ground! We were both super excited and happy, and we now hope everything goes well and that we will be driving a Tesla at some day here 😀

For dinner we had a well approved meal, containing chicken, rice and some vegetables.


See you tomorrow!

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