This will be my last blog entry, that I write while being in China. Today we woke up early and started to pack our things. Lili bought an extra bag for me to use as hand luggage, which I desperately need for the amount of presents I bring to my friends and family in Germany. Unfortunately on my last flight with my Quadcopter one of the four motors stopped working. I hope in Germany and some spare parts I will be able to repair it with my new learned soldering skills 🙂 We asked Li and his friends to come to our room to grab all the remaining stuff that we can not take with us. They hesitated at first, but then grabbed an Ikea-bag full of alcohol, sweets and food. Additionally we gave Li and Zhu our mattresses, ikea-light and chairs. Meaning we will sleep one night on the normal mattress ….
We finished packing and Lili picked us up to go for one last dinner with her and her family. We again went to the German restaurant „Schindlers Autoladestelle“ and almost ordered everything from the menu. It was the perfect dinner to say goodbye. We had such a great time.
The past two month blew away our expectations. The hospitality, kindness and friendliness of the people was unbelievable. We learned, saw and experienced so much. I would do this trip all over again if I could. <3 Lili

Thank you for everything!
Lukas and Alex